Formatted Output in Java

Formatted Outputs in Java

Do you know what is formatted output in Java? Have you ever thought about how you can implement formatted output in Java? Let us know the process to implement formatted output in Java.

But before we start the programming background of formatted output in Java, let us try to imagine things with the help of a daily life example.

For that purpose, assume one scenario:

Suppose, you have two friends. In between them, you like a friend. You love to make a conversation with him. But on other hand, you relatively dislike the other friend due to some reason. You don’t want to make a long conversation with him. But you have to talk with him as he is your friend.

So, what will be your behavior towards your two friends? There will be a change in body language while talking with two different friends.

In one case, you will make a long conversation with your first friend as you like him. In another case, you will make a short conversation with the other friend. So, there is a difference in your output means in your way of talking.

The same thing goes for the case of formatted output in Java. In different cases, the output might be different. As a different type of output is needed there. It is slightly related to socket programming. So, you have to know what is socket programming in java with example. Also, you need to what is input and output in Java.

But before we start the programming to implement formatted output in Java, we have to first know about it briefly.



What Is Input And Output In Java?


Input & output are the most important elements in the Java programming language. They are the basic building blocks of the Java programming language. Among them, inputs are the most important. Based on the input further proceedings happens in the program. Any program without any input is a very basic program. Those programs are used to write by the novice at the beginning of their coding journey. So, inputs are the main driving force behind the code.

There outputs are the expressions of the programming languages. Java is used to make a conversation using the output of the programming language. Whatever the result of the compilation of the code, expressed as the output in Java. By seeing the output coders modify the code to a better version. So they are both important.


What is Formatted Output In Java? Get To Know


Formatted Output in Java



Formatted output in Java is a unique formation method of the Output. We know the formatting of the output in the C programming language. Using the printf() method in C programming language we can format the output in the desired way. But in the Java programming language, usually coders don’t know the way to produce formatted output in Java.

Formatted Output is those which have different appearance processes. Usually, every time coders use one simple way to produce the output in Java. But during the development of any software, a specific way to produce the output is needed. In that way, you can’t use the traditional way to produce the output. For that purpose, you need to know the formatted output in Java.

At the time of developing any software, developers need to use a specific way to produce the output. This is most likely playing with the output statements in Java. But for that, you need to clarify what is input and output in java & what is socket programming in java with example.


How To Produce Formatted Output In Java? Read Below


Mainly there are two ways to produce formatted output in Java. But sometimes the third method is used to format a specific type of input. So, we are going to make a list of three possible methods to produce formatted output in Java:

  1. Using printf() Method
  2. Using DecimalFormat Class
  3. Using SimpleDateFormat() Method


Let us know about these methods one by one briefly.


Formatted Output In Java Using printf() Method:


Here, we have to first declare two types of variables. One is an integer variable and another is a float variable. These two types of variables are used to produce formatted output in Java.

There we have to use three types of statements using the printf() method. Here, first, we have to make a statement that will print the values in the normal form. Then we have to make two statements in a form that will make the output differently.

General Syntax: System.out.printf();



public class Main{

            public static void main(String[] args) {

                        int x = 100;

                        float n = 5.248f;

                        // Normal Printing The Values

                         System.out.printf("Normal Printing Value Of x : %d", x);

                         // Printing Upto 2 Decimal Places

                         System.out.printf("\nPrinting Upto 2 Decimal Space Of n : %.2f",n);

                         // Appends Zero To The Rightmost Part

                         System.out.printf("\nPrinting With Zero At The End Of n : %.4f", n);}}


Let’s look at the output of the above code.




Print (f) method output




Formatted Output In Java Using DecimalFormat Class:


For this purpose, we need to first import the DecimalFormat class. This is the special type of inbuild class in Java. Here, we can easily format the output by using the DecimalFormat class.

There we need to create an object of the DecimalFormat class. Using the object we can change the format of the output statement in Java.

For some statements the syntax is different. We have to first declare which type of formation we needed in the output. The below example will help to understand it in a better manner.



import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Main{

            public static void main(String[] args) {

                        double n = 987.12345;

                         // Way To Print Only Numbers Before The Fraction

                         DecimalFormat zap = new DecimalFormat("####");

                         System.out.println("Numbers Without Fraction: "+ zap.format(n));

                         // Way To Print Up to 2 Decimal Places

                         zap = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

                         System.out.println("Formatted Output: "+ zap.format(n));

                         // Appends Zero To The Rightmost Part

                         zap = new DecimalFormat("#.000000");

                         System.out.println("Appended Zeroes To Right: "+ zap.format(n));}}

Let’s look at the output of the above code.



Decimal Format Ouput


Formatted Output In Java Using SimpleDateFormat() Method:


This is not considered the method which will help to modify the outputs like the earlier ones. But this will help to play with the date of the certain day.

In various programs, there is a need to print the date with the program. For that, here we first need to import two important packages. They are SimpleDateFormat & Date. This will help to use this inbuild function.

Here, we have to make the object of the inbuild function. We have to provide the pattern in which we want to have the date as the output.

Then we have to store the data in the string. At last, we have to print the string to get the output.

The below example will help to understand it in a better manner.




import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Date;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]){

        // Formatting Date As Per Argument Pattern

        SimpleDateFormat zap = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String str = zap.format(new Date());

        // Printing The Current Date

        System.out.println("Formatted Date : " + str);}}

Let’s look at the output of the above code.



simple date output





As we saw the formatted output in Java is highly important.

This topic will help you to understand what is socket programming in java with example.

For understanding the topic, you first need to have basic knowledge of the Java programming language.

So, hope you have liked this piece of article. Share your thoughts in the comments section and let us know if we can improve more.

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